Services we provide

GP Consultation

People who are eligible for publicly funded primary health services can ENROL with us and pay less in future consultations.

When you enrol, you may be asked to show proof of eligibility – such as your passport or birth certificate.

You’ll be asked to sign an enrolment form.

ACC Consultation & Treatment

Life Doctors can complete an ACC form for your injury-related problems and refer you to a suitable ACC providers

e.g. Physiotherapists, Acupuncturists, Specialists, etc.

Pre-Travel COVID Testing & Report

PCR or supervised RAT can be done for travel purposes.

Terms and conditions apply.

IV Infusion

For some patients who have low iron or low bone density (i.e. osteoporosis), traditional tablets may not be suitable, sufficient, or tolerable.

We offer Ferinject and Alcasta infusion, which are safe and efficient ways to deliver medicines into the body.

General Health Check & Lab Referral

"Prevention is the best medicine".

You can see one of our experienced doctors for a detailed check-up, including risk assessment and a full examination.

Relevant screening and/or investigative tests will be offered.

ECG & Heart disease risk assessment

ECG is a useful tool for patient who has chest pain or palpitation.

It can help us to determine if these symptoms are from your heart or not.

Chronic Disease Management

Living with a chronic disease can be challenging and sometimes frustrating. Therefore, a good GP is essential in guiding you for that.

Our doctors are experienced in manaing long-term conditions such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Kidney/Liver problems, etc.

Mental Health Care/ Counselling

Depression, Anxiety Disorder, Sleep Disorders are common mental health issues.

The key to a good outcome is early detection and intervention.

Minor Surgery

Our doctor can remove skin lesions or moles for you.

You will need a consultation first to determine the best approach and cost.

Our doctor can also refer you to a specialist if needed.

Address: 655 Dominion Rd, Balmoral, Auckland, New Zealand
Phone: 09-2422238

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